20. The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes
In recent years bullying has become a recurrent theme in children's literature (not to mention television, movies, and the news). The Hundred Dresses is a beautifully written story that was far ahead of it's time in 1945. In fact, it is probably the first children's chapter book to focus solely on bullying as a theme.
The story revolves around a poor Polish girl, Wanda Petronski, who is teased relentlessly by the other girls at school. So many children (and adults too) can relate to the narrator of The Hundred Dresses who knows that the taunting is wrong, but joins in to avoid becoming a target herself. By the time Wanda's classmates acknowledge their wrongdoing their remorse is moot because the constant abuse has already forced Wanda to leave town. The Hundred Dresses may be a simple story, but it's message is timeless. Words, especially cruel ones, can have profound impact. Not only on the person who they are directed at, but also on the speaker.
19. Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
Well, this time we have a girl stranded on a deserted island. Following a devastating battle with Russian and Aleut otter hunters, the remainder of Karana's tribe decides to migrate to the mainland. When her younger brother, Ramo, is missing Karana goes back to their village to find him and subsequently both are left behind on the island. After Ramo is killed by a pack of wild dogs, Karana is forced to carry on completely alone, except for the animals that she befriends and tames.

I hope I didn't bore you too much with all of the information. I am a bit of a history buff so I found it all fascinating. In 2012 an archeologist claimed to have discovered a cave in which Juana Maria lived. You can watch this documentary about it:
18. The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate
If gorillas were able to converse in a language that humans could understand I am positive that it would be exactly as depicted by Katherine Applegate in The One and Only Ivan.
I am Ivan. I am a gorilla.
It's not as easy as it looks.
There are a lot of books out there in which the main character and narrator is an animal. Some of the more exceptional ones such as Watership Down, Black Beauty, Ben and Me, etc. are already on my list. Of all of the animal voices in literature, though, none is more convincing than Ivan's.
I was a blubbery, weeping, wailing mess the whole time I was reading this book, but I still absolutely adored it. In his sparse and brutally honest voice, Ivan talks about his tragic history and horrendous living conditions.
Applegate based her Newbery winning book on the true and appalling story of the Shopping Mall Gorilla in Washington state. Thankfully, the true story also has a happy ending. Public outrage led to the real Ivan being removed from his inadequate and deplorable cage in the mall and sent to Zoo Atlanta where he spent the remainder of his life in the relative freedom of an open, spacious habitat.
17. The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi
Avi is a long-established and respected name in the world of children's literature. The author of more than 60 popular books for children and teens, Avi has won a Newbery medal, two Newbery honors, and countless other awards. The Tales of Dimwood Forest starring Poppy the young deer mouse, is particularly beloved in our library (probably because many of our teachers read Poppy aloud to their classes). In my opinion, though, Avi's greatest literary achievements are his historical fiction books and The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle is my absolute favorite. It is a rip-roaring adventure on the high seas with murder, pirates, and a female character who bucks every societal expectation for young, privileged girls in the Victorian era.
Many boys resist reading books with female protagonists, but there is enough action in Charlotte Doyle to win over even the most reluctant reader. This book is incredibly exciting while tackling issues of sexism, racism, and class. I will not give anything away, but the ending is spectacular, especially for kids struggling to find where they fit in.
16. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling

Buckbeak the hippogriff, the Marauder's Map, Dementors, Patronuses (or is it patroni?), Professor Lupin, and Sirius Black!! There are so many reasons that The Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite Harry Potter book.
The third installment of the Harry Potter series is full of twists and turns (courtesy of a time turner), and introduces a variety of fantastic new magical creatures and characters. It is unbelievable how Rowling was able create such a unique and creative world. The only word is perfection.
15. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

14. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Aahhh, a child's first foray into the geektastic world of Middle Earth. Fast and easy-to read (or at least easier), The Hobbit is an excellent introduction to Tolkien who, let's be honest, is the pinnacle of the entire fantasy genre.
Now should your young reader fall in love with The Hobbit be forewarned that the The Lord of the Rings trilogy is infinitely more complex and difficult to read. I am not saying that to discourage anyone from reading Tolkien, because it is AWESOME!!!! However, Tolkien's writing is incredibly, like minutely, detailed and the manifold characters and story lines can be daunting for younger readers.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy is completely worth the effort so do not give up on it when it is not as action-packed and thrilling as the Peter Jackson films.
Want to know more, you can watch of my favorite youtube book vs. movie reviewers. I know he is kind of a dork, but then so am I, and I really enjoy listening to his point of view.
13. The BFG by Roald Dahl
The character of the Big Friendly Giant was actually introduced in Danny, the Champion of the World and it took Roald Dahl nearly a decade to give him his own book. Thankfully he did because the Gobblefunk speaking BFG who catches happy dreams and then blows them into the rooms of sleeping children is one of Dahl's most magical characters. As with The Witches, some people may think that The BFG is too scary for kids. I can see their point since there are also evil, children-gobbling giants with names like Bloodbottler, Gizzardgulper, Bonecruncher, etc. Dahl, being the master that he is, is able to temper this with hyperbole and humor so that it is not frightening for young readers. i.e. Turks taste of Turkish Delight, Danish people taste like dogs, people from Wales are fishy, etc.
Kids will love how the BFG not only mixes up and confuses words, but also creates his own. Being a lit major I found it particularly amusing when the BFG refers to Charles Dickens as Dahls Chickens.
Supposedly Walt Disney is producing a live action adaptation of The BFG that is going to be directed by none other than Steven Spielberg. It is scheduled to be released Fourth of July weekend in 2016. This could be really good or really really bad, but I am definitely rooting for the former.
12. The Great Brain by John D. Fitzgerald
I have read The Great Brain (and every other book in the Great Brain series) more times than I can count and every time I make a fool of myself by crazy hyena laughing in a quiet room. The book begins with Tom Fitzgerald (i.e. the Great Brain) selling tickets to see the first indoor toilet. How can you not want to read the book after that opening? Despite Tom's "money-loving heart" (and you will be in hysterics reading about all of his schemes) he does occasionally use his great brain to help his friends and town, as long as there is something in it for him.
11. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

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Nothing says 1983 like a side ponytail and a sparkly headband! |
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