There is no denying that kids love graphic novels and they can be a great way to get reluctant readers excited about books. The problem with young readers is that a lot of graphic novels (and comic books) are, well, too graphic. Too much blood, too much violence, and way, way too much cleavage. Honestly, if a real woman tried to save the world wearing a comic book heroine costume she would fall on her face while trying to run in stilettos and die when a bustier wire perforated a lung.
There is, in fact, a huge array of graphic novels that are engaging and completely appropriate for elementary age kids. The graphic novels below are just a few that I believe to be exceptional. Let me explain first that I did not include Batman, Superman, Star wars, or any other main stream graphic novels. Not saying that there are not good versions of these for kids, but I thought I would spend more time on ones that kids may not find on their own.
1. Giants Beware! by Jorge Aguirre and Rafael Rosado

I challenge any reader not to bust out laughing while reading the uproarious exploits of Claudette and her cohorts. Fortunately for readers Aguirre and Rosado just published the sequel, Dragons Beware!, in May 2015.
2. Binky the Space Cat by Ashley Spires

3. Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales by Nathan Hale

The first book, One Dead Spy, introduces the reader to the illustrious hero of the American Revolution, Nathan Hale. In case you have not noticed, Nathan Hale is also the name of the author and illustrator (he was named for his grandfather, James Nathan Hale). The first Nathan Hale was an American spy who is known for saying "I regret that I have but one life to give for my country" before being hanged by the British. In One Dead Spy, Nathan Hale (the dead one) is explaining to his executioner and the British soldier guarding him the events that led him to the gallows.
In the subsequent Hazardous Tales Nathan Hale continues to divert his captors with fantastic stories of American history (or future from their point of view). I do want to warn parents that even though Hale (the author) includes humor, he does not sugar coat history. There is violence, death, and blood; so I would not recommend the Hazardous Tales for children that are too young. If anything, plan on taking some time to discuss the events in the books with your kids.
4. Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon and Dean Hale and illustrated by Nathan Hale

The twisted fairy tale is currently all the rage in children's literature, but Rapunzel's Revenge is wonderfully unique. Who could ever imagine a steampunk Western version of Rapunzel in which the title character uses her trademark hair as a devastating weapon?
I know that Rapunzel's Revenge may seem like it is for girls considering it is about Rapunzel. This is not your Disney princess version of Rapunzel, though, and I promise that both boys and girls will love Rapunzel's Revenge and its sequel, Calamity Jack.
5. Smile, Drama, and Sisters by Raina Telgemeier

For all of you Baby-Sitters Club fans Ann M. Martin and Raina Telgemeier are working together to reboot the popular 80s chapter books as a series of graphic novel series.
6. Cursed Pirate Girl by Jeremy BastianI am not going to go into too much detail about Cursed Pirate Girl since a while back I wrote an entire blog post about this extraordinary book.
Suffice it to say, Cursed Pirate Girl is a captivating story and the artwork will blow you away. My only complaint is that since Bastian's artwork is so intricate and he draws everything to scale it is taking him FOREVER to come out with a sequel. Oh well, I guess you just cannot rush perfection.
7. Lunch Lady by Jarret Kroscoczka
Have you ever wondered what the lunch lady does after an afternoon of serving chicken nuggets, tater tots, and diced peaches? Hector, Torrence, and Dee are also curious about the woman underneath the hairnet and apron. They soon discover that their lunch lady dishes out more than just lunch. She is a formidable crime fighter, who serves up defeat to villains everywhere. The Lunch Lady graphic novels by Jarret Kroscoczka are a campy thrill ride that kids will beg to read more of.
I a huge fan of Kroscoczka's Lunch Lady graphic novels, as well as his Punk Farm picture books and his Platypus Police Squad chapter books. He is a talented and inspirational artist, but don't take my word for it. Watch his amazing TED talk here.

8. Apocolypse Bow Wow by James Proimos III

James Proimos may be better known for his Johnny Mutton graphic novels, but Apocalypse Bow Wow made me laugh so much I had to include it on this list. The story revolves around two pampered pooches, Apollo and Brownie, who wake up one day to discover that all of the humans have disappeared. There first challenge: How to get out of the house to go pee!
Now I have read several reviews of this book that complain about the fact that there is no explanation for the disappearance of mankind. Honestly, who cares? Apocalypse Bow Wow is not exactly fine literature or meant to be scientifically accurate. It is a graphic novel written for kids with an absurd plot and it is hysterical! Personally, I cannot wait for Apocalypse Meow Meow to come out in November 2015 so we can find out what happens to Brownie and Apollo on day 2 in the world without humans.
9. Amulet by Kazu Kabuishi
Kazu Kabuishi has created some truly spellbinding graphic novels, but his Amulet series is my personal favorite. After the death of their father, Emily, Navin, and their mother move into their grandfather's dark and menacing home. A strange creature lures their mother through a mysterious door in the basement and Emily and Nevin will do anything to get her back. Even embark on a dangerous quest through an eerie underground world inhabited by robots, talking animals, and demons. If your child is easily scared the Amulet books are probably not a good choice. However, if they like things that are on the spooky side this is a spectacular series. Kibuishi injects such wonderfully creepy mood into every illustration and each one perfectly complements the action-packed story line.
Below are parts 1, 2, and 3 of an interview with Kazu Kibuishi in which he discusses the Amulet series, as well as, why and how he became a graphic novelist.
10. Mal and Chad by Stephen McCranie
Mal is a lab coat wearing genius whose best friend is is his talking dog, Chad. What more do I need to say? The Mal and Chad graphic novels are just goofy fun for kids that want something a little bit easier to read. McCranie's illustrations are bright and appealing and the story lines are silly, but inventive.
11. Missile Mouse by Jake Parker
Imagine that Buck Rogers is furry with big ears and a tail and you have Missile Mouse. This is another graphic novel series that is sure to appeal to countless young readers. The full-color graphics are incredibly engaging and since I am a Star Trek/Star Wars geek I love the sci-fi story lines.
12. Eek & Ack by Blake Hoena
More sci-fi, HOORAY!!!! Eek and Ack are two squabbling alien brothers who have a talent for getting into trouble. Hmmm, sounds like my boys (except for the alien part, even though, I sometimes wonder about that too). The duo from the Great Goo Galaxy zoom around in a spaceship they built out an old washing machine. More than once, they attempt to conquer planet earth, but things never quite turn out the way they plan them. Earthlings put dirty laundry in their space ship, they accidentally go to Pluto instead of Earth, they get sucked into a black hole, etc. Eek & Ack graphic novels are perfect for beginning readers that may feel intimidated by anything too long and wordy.
13. Star Wars Jedi Academy by Jeffrey Brown

Young Roan Novachez is not sure whether he should be excited or terrified when he is invited by Master Yoda to attend the Coruscant Jedi Academy. Anything has to be better than Agricultural School on Tattoine, though, right? Roan faces all of the typical middle school problems: talking with girls, making new friends, avoiding the school bully, etc. However, Jedi Academy is not just any middle school. Where else would your gym teacher be a wookie; the cafeteria serves traditional Gamorrean mushroom, liver, and eyeball recipes; and it is against the rules to use the force in a soccer game?

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