Okay I want to start off with an apology I know I said I was going to read Carrie next but I couldn't get a hold of a copy. I know weird huh? Our libraries copy disappeared and I could of swore I had a copy myself, but I didn't so I will read it as soon as I can get my hands on one. So instead I had a copy of Cujo on my shelf at home, so I decided since it is on the list too I would just read it. Well I finished it already I guess that is the funny thing about thrillers or scary books you can't put them down, you have to know what happens. I have seen the movie but you never know how close it will follow the book. On that note the ending was horribly sad compared to the movie, (I prefer happy endings) I guess I shouldn't say why in case some of you out there haven't read it yet, but it definitely wasn't the same as the movie. One of the things I found most shocking was the language, even if this book wouldn't scare my 14 year old (which it would) I would not let him read it, the language was definitely R rated. I am pretty sure Stephen King did this to develop the characters and don't get me wrong the story is really good, keeps you on the edge of your seat and I really enjoyed it. (obviously I read it over a weekend), but it was a little crass and some of the references were a little before my time so I didn't quite get them all. (But the story was still easy to follow). I definitely had a few nightmares that followed. LOL. To sum it up I would say this was a good read and a quick one, I would for sure read it again.
I am still planning on reading Carrie by Stephen King next but if I can't get a hold of it soon I may read Christine instead. (Apparently I don't want to sleep anytime soon) Just as a side note I am a big chicken. :)
Keep reading and comment and let me know how it is going! That is two down for me since I started the list (still listening to Huck Finn I think I prefer print, listening to it isn't going as fast as I thought) I have read a few of the others on the list before I started the list, and figure I will blog about them as I go.
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