The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes
The Hundred Dresses may have been written in 1944, but this simple story of kindness and compassion continues to resonate with young readers today. The story revolves around a poor Polish girl, Wanda Petronski, who is teased relentlessly by the other girls at school for her funny sounding last name and for wearing the same faded blue dress everyday. When Wanda claims to have one hundred beautiful dresses at home the bullying grows steadily worse.
Eventually it comes to light that Wanda is an incredibly talented young artist whose drawings of one hundred dresses win a competition at school. Wanda's tormentors are filled with remorse, but it comes too late since the interminable abuse has forced the entire Petronski family to leave town.
So many children (and adults too) can relate to Maddie, the narrator of The Hundred Dresses, who knows that taunting Wanda is wrong, but joins in to avoid becoming a target herself. Although Maddie decides that she is "never going to stand by and say nothing again" the fact that her cowardice caused someone so much suffering continues to haunt her: "Nothing would ever seem good to her again, because just when she was about to enjoy something--like going for a hike with Peggy to look for bayberries or sliding down Barley Hill--she'd bump right smack into the thought that she had made Wanda Petronski move away." The message that bullying hurts all of those involved, not just the victim, is profound and timeless.
Wonder by R.J. Palacio
Rarely does a single book have the nationwide impact that Wonder has since its publication in 2012. Millions of readers, young and old, have been inspired by the heart-wrenching yet triumphant story of Auggie Pullman.
Let me confess that I was incredibly hesitant to read this book. Why? Well, first off I am a huge, huge crier and I knew from the book trailer that Wonder was going to set off my water works. In addition to weeping uncontrollably, I was worried that I would end up angry and disgusted. I cannot abide cruelty in any form. Seriously, I think that I would be more outraged and upset to hear that my kid was being a bully than if they were actually being bullied. Thirdly, I was concerned that Wonder would be so sappy that it would read more like a Hallmark card than a realistic novel.

Wonder is a book that should be required reading in every school. There could be no better class motto than, “Kinder than is necessary. Because it's not enough to be kind. One should be kinder than needed.”
For fans of Wonder, Palacio has now written several short stories that follow the original story and are narrated by various side characters. Also, there is a movie based on Wonder slated to come out in 2017 starring Owen Wilson and Julia Roberts as Auggie's parents.
The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen by Susin Nielsen
First off, let me warn you that The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen deals with a school shooting and suicide so even though the cover looks young and cutesy it is definitely for a more mature audience.
Henry Larsen had a perfectly normal life until his older brother, Jesse, ruined everything with the "unspeakable" act. Now Henry and his father have been forced to move across the country to a new city and his mother is in a psychiatric hospital after suffering a nervous breakdown. Encouraged by a therapist to keep a journal, Henry writes down all of the thoughts and feelings that he cannot share with his parents or the friends he has made in his new school.
Be prepared to experience shock, despair, and outrage while reading The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen. However, the intensity of the story is deftly tempered by hope, tenderness, and even humor. Trust me when I say that you will be thinking about this book long after you finish reading it
Twerp by Mark Goldblatt
Julian Twerski has been asked by his English teacher to write about the events that earned him a week long suspension. This turns out to be easier said than done as Julian begins to write about everything but the incident in question. Through Julian's journal you learn that he he is not bad or mean. He is just a kid (like so many others) that allows his friends and/or the crowd to dictate his actions even when his conscience tells him not to. At times humorous and others heartbreaking, Twerp is an incredibly powerful story about gaining the strength, integrity, and maturity to not only learn from your mistakes, but make amends for them.
Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick
In my opinion Freak the Mighty is one of the most poignant and heartrending friendship novels written since Of Mice and Men. Max is a giant of a boy with a heart to match that is a little bit slower than most kids his age. Kevin, or Freak, is incredibly smart and was born with Morquio Syndrome, which has stunted his growth and necessitated leg braces and crutches. The unlikely duo form an indelible bond that helps them cope with bullying, kidnapping, abandonment, and even Freak's crushing disease. I already told you that this one was a tear-jerker so be sure to have a box of tissues (or several) handy when you read Freak the Mighty.
Loser by Jerry Spinelli
In Loser Jerry Spinelli tells the story of Donald Zinkoff (or just Zinkoff) from first to sixth grade. Zinkoff may be one of my all time favorite characters from a children's book. Why? Because Zinkoff is awkward, clumsy, and never quite fits in, but he is also caring, generous, funny, and happy to be who he is. Honestly, haven't we all met someone at some point in our lives who is completely oblivious to what other people think and don't we all wish we could be a bit more like that? Zinkoff's classmates may have labeled him a loser, but he is too busy enjoying every moment of his life to care. Loser is a remarkable story about standing out for all of the right reasons. Not because you are popular, athletic, smart, etc. but because you are kind, brave, joyful, and optimistic. We should all strive to a bit more like the Zinkoffs of the world.
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