Saturday, March 2, 2013

Great place to raise kids....

I love working at this library.  My daughters practically grew up here, and now with a 4-month old granddaughter, I hope the trend continues.  I'm pretty sure it will, considering my daughter asked me for her old stack of Berenstain Bears books - hoping to share them with little Molly Elizabeth someday. 

When Lindsey asked about the books, I went downstairs and found them in a tote.  Looking through the 20+ books, I was surprised/tickled to see where she and her younger sister had used these books for their very own "library".  In their little-kid hand-writing, they had written due dates in the back - (curiously the books were always due on August 11th!) - and they included their own library numbers for check-out.  I loved it.

When interviewing for this job, I was asked "why" I wanted to work at the Portland District Library.  I told them this story and how much the library had always meant to us.  I don't imagine they have many interviewees with tears running down their cheeks, but that's how much this library means to me - and mine.

I love seeing kids coming in through the front door with their folks - excitedly running downstairs to see what new treasures they might find.  No better place to "raise" kids, than at the library! 

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