Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Reader's Paradise

A couple of days ago BuzzFeed (an online magazine) posted a photo gallery of The 30 Best Places to Be if You Love Books. If you are a book lover you will be astounded by some of these pictures. 


 This is my personal favorite!
And this brilliant invention would make it even better:

                       ooh! I must have one!
Considering the fact that I am a librarian, I should probably not confess to reading in the bathtub. What can I say, I have three kids and sometimes the tub is the only place that I get to be alone. So far I have only had to pay for one book that fell in!

All of us have our favorite bookstores, libraries, and book nooks (for me it has to be cozy and a tad eccentric). Here are some amazing (and more accessible) places for book lovers that were left off the list:

1. Dawn Treader Used Book Store-First of all, how can you not love a store that is named after one of The Chronicles of Narnia. As a student in Ann Arbor I would walk here and spend hours perusing their eclectic shelves.

2. Southfield Public Library Children's Area-The picture says it all.

3. Coldwater Branch Library-This is one of the oldest libraries operating in its original building in Michigan. It is also a registered State historic site and it has a cupola (which is just cool).

4. Portland District Library-Of course I had to include a picture of my own library and nothing is better than a window seat for reading. The picture is of my daughter, Zoe, reading The Princess Bride for the third time.

5. The Home Book Nook-All book lovers need a cozy, quiet place for reading that is theirs alone. Some of these may be a bit more elaborate than others, but they all look pretty good to me.

Coldwater Branch Library
Dawn Treader Used Book Store

Southfield, Michigan Public Library - AMAZING Children's Section!
Southfield Public Library
Portland District Library

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