Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Busy Days at the Library

 It's been a few weeks since I've been able to write a post on this blog, but there's been so much going on that I'm excited to finally have a moment to share some of what we have on our agenda!

So much to do, so little highlighter ink!

In circulation desk news, the number of books that we have returned during each day has skyrocketed.  I'd say it's a record, but this is just my second summer here, so it's hard for me to say with certainty.  Of course, our youth librarian Eileen has told us that participation in the Summer Reading Program is at an all-time high this year, which is absolutely thrilling to hear.  Plus it's encouraging to see just how much our patrons are reading this time of year, especially the youngsters who are off on summer break, so who am I to complain about a high number of book returns?

Now, if only we had more room to put them while they're waiting to be reshelved. Oh boy...

As a reminder, though, the Summer Reading Program ends on Saturday, August 5, so make sure you get your Beanstack logs and/or tracking slips in by that day!  We have some fantastic prizes lined up, so it's worth it even if you can only manage one entry.

We also have a number of other activities keeping us occupied, including programs! Our youth department is planning another Books & Blankets on Thursday (Thompson Field Pavillion, 7/20 at 6:00 pm), and two LEGO Lab programs: one for ages 10-12 on Tuesday (7/25) and one for ages 6-9 on Wednesday (7/26) of next week.

For the adults, we have an exciting art program coming up on Wednesday, 8/9 called "Brighten Your Bookshelves", where attendees can come in and decorate one of our old bookends to use on their shelves at home!  There's still oodles of room on the sign-up sheet - and you know I'll be there to get my art on.

There's even more coming up in the month of August for all age groups, so come in and check out one of our handy-dandy calendars for more information.

Behind the scenes, our director Cory has been weeding our fiction collection to make our shelves more browsable and to make room for new and exciting additions - it's a shame to see some of our titles go, but it'll be worth it when we don't have to worry about rearranging and shoving books onto shelves.  All the better if it makes finding books that much smoother for our visitors - and you have a great chance to get both weeded and donated books for cheap if you check out our used book room.

There really are no boring days here at PDL.  With so much going on, you might normally expect to hear me grumbling, but I find the work so rewarding because it's all for our beloved patrons! (That's you!)  So how can I possibly complain?

That being said, I will be sure to leave enough room on my plate to continue updating this blog to give everyone a glimpse into what's happening at the library. I'd hate for anyone to miss out!

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