Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Books and Gardens and Seeds, Oh My!

Libraries are a great source of all kinds of resources - books, films, research, arts and crafts, and at PDL, even seeds and vegetables!

So much potential in such a compact area - just like the seeds themselves!

I remember when I was living in Ypsilanti and first encountered the seed collection at the public library.  I was very intrigued, but had absolutely no idea how any of that worked and was too shy to ask.

Naturally, I was thrilled when I began working here just in time for the preparation and launch of our own seed library.  It's much simpler than I thought it would be - and it turns out that library staff are generally very friendly and more than willing to answer questions for folks.

Between the seed library and our children's sensory garden, you'd definitely think that everyone here has a green thumb.  Sadly, I am about as proficient at gardening as I am with auto-repair; that is to say, not very.

But there really is something very magical about gardening, isn't there?  It's a great way to get ourselves outdoors and into the sunshine.  It helps us feel proud of our efforts and our environment, since we go to the effort of caring for and cultivating our plants.  And, if you're inclined to grow fruits and vegetables, it's also a good way to get some bonus nutrition in.  After all, what's more satisfying than cooking or eating food you grew all by yourself?

So I'm wondering if maybe I should look at what I still have time to plant this season (I'm told there's still enough time to plant lettuce) and get to pulling some weeds to give gardening another try.  After all, we have plenty of seeds here at PDL!

For those who want to enjoy garden-fresh herbs and veggies but don't have a garden at home, stop by the library on or after July 10 for our Fresh Food Bonanza!  You will also be able to share pictures of your kitchen masterpieces for the chance to win a prize - look for more details on our Facebook or here at the library!

Do you garden at home?  Are you curious to learn more about the seed library?  Any garden stories you'd like to share?  Tell us in the comments below!

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