Monday, April 5, 2021

Taxes are here, but have no fear! Be smart with your finances with these books


It's that time of year again...we are all filing our taxes and depending on the circumstances you may have a nice chunk of cash you're looking to do something with. Well, do I have some reading suggestions for you!

Money Smart Week runs from April 10 until April 17 this year, and if you're interested in starting your kids young on monetary importance, you should introduce them to the book "Beyond Piggy Banks and Lemonade Stands: how to teach young kids about finance (and they're never too young)" by Liz Fazier. I know it's a mouthful of a title, but if you can't already tell by the name it is thorough and full of substance for your budding entrepreneur!

Perhaps you're simply not sure where to start. After all, money can be a daunting and overwhelming concept for just about anyone. A good suggestion would be to start with "Ernst & Young's personal financial planning guide : take control of your future and unlock the door to financial security" by Ernst and Young LLP Staff. Financial planning is always a great way to start securing your money now.

Honorable mentions: CNBC guide to money and markets : everything you need to know about your finances and investments by Jeff Wuorio, Securing your financial future : complete personal finance for beginners by Chris Smith, 30-day money cleanse : take control of your finances, manage your spending, and de-stress your money for good by Ashley Feinstein Gerstley, Ageproof : living longer without running out of money or breaking a hip by Jean Sherman Chatzky, and The little book that builds wealth : The knock-out formula for finding great investments by Pat Dorsey.

Yet, if all else fails, you can always go with "Personal Finance for Dummies" by Eric Tyson, which offers practical advice over your personal finances. It's even got worksheets which helps you measure your own financial livelihood by looking at things like debt, savings, and investments. Not to mention it does have a bit about how to approach your taxes, which can be helpful during this time of the year.

Whatever you do with those tax returns, we hope that you can apply your money smarts!

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