Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Rory Gilmore challenge and The Pretty Little Liars

Well my first week has gotten off to a bad start.  I will try and explain myself, though it is not a good excuse.  I have not read much of Alice in Wonderland yet and here is my not so great excuse.  A few months ago I was looking for something to watch on Netflix and I happen to click on Pretty Little Liars, I was hooked.  Since then I have used any opportunity I have had to stay up to two or three o'clock in the morning watching back to back episodes of  the show.  Well that was all fine and dandy until I found out last week that tonight was the premiere episode of season 5 and I was still in season 3 so of course I needed to catch up. :) I finished season 3 on Netflix and rushed out to buy season 4. Well anyways, I have almost caught up.  Then I will only be able to watch one a week.  So I promise barring a disaster I will have read more of Alice in Wonderland and will have more to share with you next week.  But please make sure you post what you have been reading (or watching ;)  ). Until next week.


  1. I just finished The Moonstone. Haven't even started on The Iliad yet. I am right there with you...

  2. What did you think of Moonstone? I looked it up it sounds interesting. I actually didn't end up getting caught up on Pretty Little Liars before the new episode, thank goodness for TIVO. But I will try to balance myself between the two. Make sure you let me know what you think of the Iliad. :)

  3. Just a quick update I decided to use my drive time wisely so I am now listening to Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain during my commute.
