Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Flu Season - also, COVID Tests are Here!

It's that time of year again.  It's getting cold outside and we're starting to feel the effects of the dry air.  We're huddling up inside in close proximity, and before you know it, the whole house is sneezing and coughing.

Yup.  Flu season.

Getting the flu is always unpleasant, but there are ways to make it less so.

Read on to find out ways to ready yourself for this annual nuisance, and how to help prevent catching it or spreading it to others - just remember that none of this is a substitute for medical advice from a qualified and licensed professional.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

National Novel Writing Month

 Did you know that November is National Novel Writing Month?

There's even an official non-profit NaNoWriMo organization.

Every year, thousands of writers (amateur and professional both) sit down on November 1st and begin working on a daunting challenge: to write an entire novel in just 30 days.