Friday, January 20, 2023

Cozy at the Library

After a wet and mild couple of weeks, we finally have some snow in Portland!  I'm sure I've said it before, but one of my favorite things about snow (and rain and whatever the sky wants to drop on us) is getting to watch and listen from a comfy place indoors.

The fireplace in the apse, aka the big windowed space at the end of the building, is one of my favorite places to cozy up with a book on a quiet, snowy day.  There's just something so nice about just being warm and protected from the elements - a sort of happy, romantic feeling.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

National Letter Writing Week

(Clip Art courtesy of The Old Design Shop [])

Did you know that the second week of January is National Letter Writing Week?  Neither did I, until it was already upon us!  As I went about my work at the library, trying to think of how to celebrate this unique occasion (aside from penning a letter or two of my own to friends and family), I realized that Portland District Library has the perfect thing for any occasion - books!

If you are participating in our Winter Reading Program (which is running until January 28th - if you aren't, there's still time!), then you're likely already reading anything you can get your hands on to fill your reading time.  But if you're open to suggestions, here's a list of books for every age level to get the whole family excited about letters, from their writing to their contents: